Marcy Cook Math Tiles
Marcy Cook's interactive math tiles go digital.
The Marcy Cook Tiles Math Apps replicates the experience that school children the world over are having with Marcy's interactive math tiles. Having combined the simplicity of the iPads interface, with the reasoning and problem solving that go into accomplishing one of Marcy's tasks, we feel as though we have created the perfect math App for students, both in the classroom and at home.
​•Super Computation: Multi digit computation for all four operations
•Super Computation School Edition: Eligible for Apple's Volume Purchasing Program
•Multi/Divi Combo: Following equations combined with basic multiplication and division facts (eligible for Apple's Volume Purchasing Program)
•Add/Sub Combo: Following equations combined with basic addition and subtraction facts (eligible for Apple's Volume Purchasing Program)
•Each App has 20 tasks purchased individually for $2.99 or for Super Computation as a set for $8.99